'딘앰브로스'에 해당되는 글 1건

딘 앰브로스(Dean Ambrose, Jonathan Good)의 < CZW > 시절 !!!

업로드된 날짜: 2011. 10. 9.

This is my personal Tribute for one of the best Wrestlers we got today. Material came from almost all CZW Events from 2009-2011 as well as wXw and Dragon Gate USA.

Please support CZW, wXw and Dragon Gate USA by buying all their DVD's and Merchandise. 

Music: 'Monster' by Skillet

The content in this MV is property of CZW, SmartMarkVideo, and Hybrident.tv as well as Dragon Gate USA.

카카오톡(Kakao Talk)으로 알려준 김동구 감사감사 !!!

Posted by TenSixteen